O’ Fallon Early Childhood Center continues to serve their children and families at this time. The staff has successfully applied for the Paycheck Protection Program on, and have been granted approval for funds. This will allow them to keep paying normal earnings to their staff members.
The center has made many changes to their normal operating routines to limit the exposure in their building. Families are, greeted at the front door, a health screening, conducted, and a staff: member takes the child to their classroom. The children remain with the same teacher and group of children each day to help limit the number of people they come in contact with.
While many of the children and families enrolled in the center have chosen to stay home during, the COVID-19 pandemic, the staff at O;Fallon Early Childhood Cent1er have remained connected to these families through phone calls, weekly emails, and social media outlets.
In addition, the staff and teachers at O’Fallon Early Childhood Center are continuing to participate in the ARCHS Infant Toddler Specialist network by attending virtual professional development training’5.